GREAT DANE design - Graphic Design Services, Vancouver


lorem ipsum and tintin

Who would have thought that there would be a connection between the commonly used placeholder text Lorem ipsum and the young comic strip reporter Tintin? The Belgian writer and creator of Tintin, Georges Rémi—better known as Hergé—has used lorem ipsum a couple of times when displaying printed text, such as in newsprint.

Examples below are from "L'Ile Noire/The Black Island" and "L'Oreille Cassée/The Broken Ear." Hergé has also used other ways of displaying printed text, primarily using French or French-like text. For example, "Le Crabe aux Pinces D'Or/The Crab with the Golden Claws", where the text is a mixture of real text and reversed text. Here, various words appear, such as the word "Spielberg," mixed with more lorem ipsum.

Le Crabe aux Pinces D'Or/The Crab with the Golden Claws

lorem ipsum and tintin

Le Crabe aux Pinces D'Or/The Crab with the Golden Claws - reversed

lorem ipsum and tintin

L'Ile Noire/The Black Island

lorem ipsum and tintin

L'Oreille Cassée/The Broken Ear

lorem ipsum and tintin

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